Leave a Legacy for Cats
Throughout your lifetime you make an impact on the people, causes, and cats you care about. With a planned gift, you can provide lasting support for the ones you love.
Your planned gift to Cat Adoption Team is a special way to ensure that cats, kittens, and those who care for them have access to excellent programs and services for years to come.
Planned giving contributes to CAT’s long-term financial stability and helps fund the expansion of lifesaving programs and capital improvements that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.
CAT welcomes many different types of planned gifts. You may choose to give through a charitable trust, by including CAT in your will, or by listing us as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement fund.
If you’d like more information or are already including CAT in your estate plans, please let us know. We’d love to thank you now and honor your generosity by making you a member of the Roger H. James Legacy Society.
Please contact Shanda Chroust-Masin, development and communications director, at (503) 925-8903 ext. 228 or by email.
You have many options when it comes to estate planning. Your wishes and tax considerations will influence the type of gift you choose. An estate planner or tax advisor can help you develop or amend your plans to meet your goals and maximize tax benefits.
A bequest is one of the simplest planned giving options. This can be established easily in your will and may reduce estate taxes. To leave a percentage of your estate or a specific amount to CAT, include the following language in your will or living trust:
I give, devise and bequeath [(percent) of my estate] or [sum of $_____] to the Cat Adoption Team, 14175 Southwest Galbreath Drive, Sherwood, Oregon (EIN #20-0773189).
If you wish to leave the residue of your estate to CAT—the portion left over after you have provided for your heirs—you may include this sentence in your plans:
All the residue of my estate, including real and personal property, I give, devise, and bequeath to the Cat Adoption Team, 14175 Southwest Galbreath Drive, Sherwood, Oregon (EIN #20-0773189).
For more information, check out our blog post How to Include a Charity in your Will.
Yes! Naming CAT as a beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy, IRA, 401(k), and/or other pension or retirement plan is another simple planned gift option. You don’t have to consult an attorney to make these changes, and this type of gift is ideal when your policies are no longer critical to your family’s well-being.
Be sure to use our full, legal name and EIN number to ensure your gift is distributed seamlessly: Cat Adoption Team, EIN #20-0773189
For more information, check out our blog post The Benefits of Beneficiary Designations.
Yes! Charitable trusts or gift annuities are a good choice for large or complex estates. These gift types can be designed to meet your needs and financial goals. Funded by cash or securities, a charitable trust can provide income to you as well as provide for CAT. The benefits vary depending on the option you choose, how well it is funded, and at what stage in your life you begin, but the advantages remain the same: provision of annual payments to you or another recipient and a reduction of taxes owed. CAT receives either an outright gift, which often provides substantial tax savings to the donor, or the remaining value of the trust upon expiration. When making this type of gift, we highly recommend working with a trained tax or estate planning professional.
The short answer is yes! A donation of appreciated assets can help cats and also may help you avoid substantial capital gains taxes. Assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate can fund an immediate or planned gift to CAT. Benefits will vary depending on the option you select.
If you would like to donate stock now, please contact the Development Office at (503) 925-8903 ext. 6 or by email.
Roger H. James Legacy Society
When you pledge a planned gift to CAT in your will or estate plan, you automatically become a member of the Roger H. James Legacy Society. This society was formed so that we can thank you and — with your permission — recognize you among our supporters.
As a member, you are invited to participate closely with our organization through special opportunities to be briefed on our work, both in person and through written communications designed just for you.
The Roger H. James Legacy Society is named for one of CAT’s most generous planned giving donors. During his lifetime, Roger created a generous charitable foundation and charitable trust to support several animal welfare organizations, including CAT. His love for cats lives on through this lasting gift.
To learn more, please contact the development team at (503) 925-8903 ext. 6 or by email.
Gifts Pledged
With deepest gratitude, CAT recognizes the members of the Roger H. James Legacy Society. These donors have pledged a planned gift commitment to CAT as of August 1, 2024. Donor names are listed with permission.
Anonymous (58)
Reva Basch
Catherine Berlot and Thomas Hynes
Matthew and Patricia Blair
In Honor of John and Susan Callihan
Denise and Arthur Coyne
Noralyn Danielle and Steve Poerink
The Fabulous Furry Felines Foundation (Susan Sindlinger)
Robert S. Galvin
Debra Gray
Melvyn B. and Carole M. Greenberg
Tralyn Hammond
Mike Hussey
Adele S. Jones
Jill Leve and Mindy Bishop
Susan Lind
Lynda Orzen
Judy Post
Michael and Marie Ryan
Deborah and Stephen Thompson
Pamela Thompson
Jeff and Connie Uncapher
Linda C. Vick
Betty M. White
Sheri L. White
Gifts Received — 2019-2023
Cat Adoption Team honors the memory of the following individuals from whom estate gifts have been received in the past five years. We are deeply grateful for the impact of these generous legacy donors and all our planned gift donors.
Anonymous (3)
Iris Adams
M. Lorraine Anderson
Bruce Clow
Sondra Debary
Jennifer Lynne Fiske
Georgia Hadfield
Barbara Hill
Zona Joyce Hopps
Philip and Justina Hurley Living Trust
Ronold Iverson
Donnarae Kelley
Sylvia Klopfer
William Luce
Marianne McMahon
Annette Molitor
David Mueller
Nancy Mullican
William Nelson
Cherlyn Beth Paul
Sam Pheister
Helen Platt
Valerie Pratt Jasperson
Alan Stoebig
Estate of Dianna Lee Truitt
Gail Walker
Jan Williams
John Wrigley
Lynda O.
Loving Legacy Program
You want to leave a legacy and support the ones you love forever. That includes your pets. We encourage you to create a lifetime pet care plan now, to ensure that your cats will have ongoing care. But we understand that it’s not always possible to find a long-term caregiver for your pets.
Some planned giving donors also choose CAT’s Loving Legacy program as a backup to their lifetime care plan or when no alternative caregiver is available. Through this program, we agree to take in, care for, and find a new home for your pet cats as part of your planned gift arrangements.
Like you, we want what’s best for your cat. Some pets — especially those who are older, very shy, or medically fragile — do not adjust well to shelter life and may not be good candidates for our adoption program. We’ll work with you to determine if Loving Legacy is a good fit for you and your cats.
If you have questions about the Loving Legacy program or other planned giving options at CAT, please contact our Communications and Development Office at (503) 925-8903 ext. 6 or email us.
To have your cat(s) considered for the program, download and complete the Loving Legacy Application Form and then fax, email, or mail the form to:
Cat Adoption Team – Loving Legacy
14175 SW Galbreath Dr
Sherwood, OR 97140
Fax: (503) 925-8888 | [email protected]
CAT provides this planned giving information solely for educational and general informational purposes. The information presented here does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice. Such advice can only be obtained from a qualified tax advisor, attorney, and/or financial planner. Please consult with the appropriate professional when making your estate or financial plans.