If you know Cat Adoption Team, you know we’re committed to helping cats. From the bounciest kittens to the wisest seniors. And when it comes to seniors, we are excited about how much more support we can offer these days, thanks to the Aleece Runge Fund for Senior Cats!
In three short years, the Aleece Runge Fund has made life better for more than 170 senior cats. And now we’re ready to help even more senior cats and their people too!
Established through a generous planned gift honoring a lifelong cat-lover with a soft spot for older cats, the Aleece Runge Fund covers CAT’s costs to provide unique services for cats age 8 and up. We began the first stage of the program in 2020, and we rolled out the full program at the end of 2022. Through the Fund, we can increase adoption opportunities for senior cats at CAT and help senior cats in the community stay with their families.
Cats age 8 and older in our adoption program—like Cosmo (top) and Emily (right)—now receive a senior lab panel and full x-rays to identify any potential health concerns. Each cat also gets a dental (or dental voucher), and any medical treatment or other support they may need. This helps CAT provide better care and gives adopters a fuller picture of the health of their new senior pet. We also provide adopters with some of the things their new cat may need, such as a supply of medication or helpful senior pet products like pet stairs, a heated bed, or a low-entry litter box.
And the special perks continue beyond adoption!
Senior cat adopters are automatically enrolled in a program that offers financial support for veterinary care of their new cat. Thanks to the Fund, CAT can reimburse adopters for up to $1,000 per year for approved post-adoption veterinary expenses.
This pre- and post-adoption support provides greater peace of mind to senior cat adopters and ensures that these cats receive quality medical care during their golden years. Win-win!
In addition to helping senior cats find homes, a portion of the Fund is set aside to help support pet parents so they can keep and care for their senior cat.
Community members who are experiencing a financial hardship that threatens their ability to keep or care for their senior cat may contact our CAT Helpline for assistance by emailing. Through the Fund, we may be able to offer support for veterinary care, emergency boarding (short-term), or other support to help senior cats get care and stay with the people who love them (see Toby’s story below).
The foresight and generosity of the donors who made the Aleece Runge Fund for Senior Cats possible is inspiring! We look forward to years of being able to help more senior cats — a population that often needs extra help.
If you would like to contribute to the fund, you can mail a donation (with a note to direct your gift to the Aleece Runge Fund) to: Cat Adoption Team, 14175 SW Galbreath Dr., Sherwood, OR 97140.

Toby’s Story
When Toby’s original owner passed away, her daughter took him in. Toby had been part of their family since he was a kitten, and she was grateful to be able to keep him. She absolutely adores Toby, calling him “a little character with a lot of personality.”
But by the time he turned 16, Toby had developed diabetes. He was on insulin, but his prescription expired while his new owner was out of work. Though she was doing her best to get back on her feet, she was having a hard enough time just paying for the basics. Thinking she might have to surrender Toby to a shelter just so he could get care, she reached out to us.
Imagine her relief when she learned there was a better option. With support from the CAT Helpline and the Aleece Runge Fund for Senior Cats, she could get help to keep Toby healthy and keep him with her!
Through the Aleece Runge Fund for Senior Cats, CAT was able to cover the costs for Toby’s vet visit, insulin, and test strips. Toby’s person shares, “I am so thankful for the gift of being able to love and take care of Toby.”
“Thank you for making it possible for Toby to go on living within the family that he’s known since kittenhood!” — Toby’s owner
Loving and caring for cats has been part of our mission for the past 25 years. Thank you for being part of the next stage as we expand our services to help even more cats and people in our community.