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Meet the People: Tiffany Spahn

From fostering to adoption counseling, to serving on our DEI committee, Tiffany has been a volunteer mainstay at CAT for nearly a decade in multiple volunteer roles. Tiffany has adopted a clowder of cats from Cat Adoption over the years and currently shares her home with half-a-dozen cats. Her foster room is seldom empty, no matter the season. Fun fact: Tiffany seems to have a ‘type’ when it comes to cat coat color. More info below. Read on to find out what other rescue critter Tiffany and her cats share their home with.

CAT: What’s your role at CAT and how long have you been involved with us?
Tiffany: I have been actively volunteering for over 9 years in multiple roles; adoption counselor, adoption counselor mentor, foster, foster mentor, member of the DEI committee, and occasionally cat transporter. However, I did adopt my first CAT alumni as a kitten back in 2001 so have supported CAT in some fashion since then.

CAT: Do you have any pets?
Tiffany: I currently have six cats and one rescue ball python. Five of the cats are CAT alumni and one is a former foster of mine. All but one of them are black cats. They all have different personalities and fun quirks and, yes, I can tell them apart.

CAT: Besides a cat, what’s your favorite animal?
Tiffany: Bats

CAT: What advice would you give to somebody interested in getting involved in animal welfare?
Tiffany: Have good boundaries, know that you can’t save every animal, some heartache is inevitable, however the joy of helping the animals you can, vastly exceeds any sadness.

CAT: What do you enjoy most about your role at Cat Adoption Team?
Tiffany: The relationships both short and long, I have developed with cats, volunteers and adopters. I appreciate that I am challenged to continue to learn and grow as a volunteer, it keeps my brain active. I am also very grateful for the sense of purpose volunteering for CAT engenders.

CAT: Describe your dream vacation.
Tiffany:  Magically being able to transport myself and my cats to some fabulous house on the Oregon coast in the winter.

CAT: What movie or show can you rewatch over and over again?
Tiffany: Pretty much anything in the Star Wars realm (except episodes 1-3)

CAT: What’s your favorite (work-appropriate) joke?
Tiffany: A three-legged dog walks into a bar and says “who shot my pa(w)? ”

CAT: If you suddenly had a day off, what would you do with your time?
Tiffany: Probably curl up with the cats and a crossword puzzle.

CAT: What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
Tiffany: “No” is a complete sentence.

CAT: Would you rather be the funniest or smartest person in the room?
Tiffany: Probably the funniest.

Tiffany can be found at the shelter on a weekly basis, helping families find their next furry friend. If you see her around, chat her up about Star Wars and ask her to introduce you to her current favorite shelter cat. You can also follow her foster account on the ‘gram.

About Cat Adoption Team

Cat Adoption Team (CAT) is the largest cat shelter in the Pacific Northwest. We offer adoption, foster care, and veterinary services to homeless cats and kittens.

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