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Meet the People: Shanda

Teal background banner featuring a person holding a cat close to their face. Text on the right reads "Meet the People"

Drumroll, please… Introducing Cat Adoption Team’s new Development and Communications Director: Shanda Croust-Masin! Shanda brings a varied background in development, communications, and fundraising to CAT. She has worked in education, community programming, and child development. We’re her first foray into animal welfare. What an adventure this will be— luckily, Shanda is an animal-lover from way back. The purrfect Oregonian, Shanda loves camping, kayaking, and hiking as well as creative pursuits. Read on to find out more about the furry friends she shares her life with as well as why flying— as a superpower— may not be on her 2025 bingo card.

CAT: Do you have any pets? What can you tell us about them?
Shanda: Cookie is a 4-year-old flat haired Saint Bernard, and Lucky is a 1-year-old yellow lab retriever mix. I met Cookie at a puppy therapy day event last Spring and fell in love with her easy going, loving personality. My young kids could not keep up with Cookie’s energy, so we adopted Lucky, who my youngest son attached to quickly. I would have much preferred a cat that better matches where I am at in life, though for now, I love watching my children with their fur friends.

CAT: Besides a cat, what’s your favorite animal?
Shanda: Penguins probably. I also love frogs for some reason. I am not even sure why. I love all animals, though I have an irrational fear of fish and birds, and I have no idea why!

CAT: If you could have dinner with anybody in history, who would it be and what would you serve?
Shanda: I have such an admiration for Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, and many others. I was a history and Spanish major in college as I have a passion for history and culture. I also love art and painting, so I would love to meet Frida Kahlo and serve one of her favorite Mexican dishes, as I love Mexican food and all things spicy, VERY spicy.

CAT: What movie or show can you rewatch over and over again?
Shanda: My favorite movie has been Ever After and I can recite it word for word. I haven’t seen it in many years though. I don’t know why I have loved it so much, though likely due to the storyline that everyone has value no matter their socioeconomic status as it wasn’t the love story that compelled me. I don’t have much time for movies anymore. I usually only have time for an episode of a show once in a while and I can rewatch shows like Scrubs and Schitt’s Creek over and over. My husband and I have currently been watching Resident Alien. It is HILARIOUS.

CAT: Have you ever met a celebrity? Who?
Shanda: I did get to meet Brian “Head” Welch, the former lead singer of Korn, and Jon Foreman, the lead singer of Switchfoot once back in 2010 or 2011, though very briefly. They were at a charity event I was volunteering at so my interaction was simply “Hello! Would you like the chicken or another option?” as I was serving food at the event. I did get to meet a 90s country singer, Michael Peterson when I was working in the development department at my alma mater as his daughter was attending the university at the time. Oh! I did meet the King of Norway once while working there as well.

CAT: If you could have any super- power what would it be?
Shanda: I like to think that I would choose flying as the super-power, though I am also very afraid of heights! I have dreams about flying a lot which makes it seem super cool but also scares me. Though I wonder if I would be scared of heights knowing that I could fly and control not falling. Who knows!

CAT: What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
Shanda: Always remember you never know what someone is going through so always offer grace and kindness. The world needs more of it.

CAT: If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would it be?
Shanda: Probably Spanish or English. I taught English for 6 months in Mexico at a juvenile delinquent facility there back in 2006 and loved it. I had intended on teaching History and Spanish at the high school level after college, which is why I majored in them, though I was introduced to nonprofit work and my life took a different path, which I have loved. Though teaching another language was very rewarding and fun.

CAT: Would you rather be the funniest or smartest person in the room?
Shanda: I don’t like to be the center of attention, so probably neither. I would like to be funny enough and smart enough to have good conversations and a good time. I enjoy intellectual conversations, philosophical conversations, random conversations, fun conversations, etc.

CAT: What is your go-to karaoke anthem?
Shanda: It is cliche, though probably Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing”. It is just fun and a good anthem song I relate to. And the only song I have ever actually sang during karaoke once. I love music and singing but not in front of people.

CAT: If you could instantly learn any language, what would it be?
Shanda: Czech. My in-laws are from the Czech Republic and they talk to my youngest son in Czech as they watched him as a baby and he understands and knows some Czech at two years old. I like that they have this secret language though it’d be cool to learn it myself and have conversations with them and my 100 year old great-grandmother who has so many fascinating stories from “the old country” and her survival story from her time at Auschwitz. She speaks English though I think I’d be able to understand her better in Czech.

CAT: If you suddenly had a day off, what would you do with your time?
Shanda: Without thinking about it, my instant reaction to this question is sleep! What can I say, I am a parent of young kids. Otherwise, I would have to say go to the beach for a day or explore a museum on my own. Really I would be up to doing anything on my own as I love some time to myself.

If you see Shanda at the shelter, please say “hi” and introduce yourself. Maybe you can spill the tea about your favorite super-spicy food or entertaining episodic television shows you recommend.

About Cat Adoption Team

Cat Adoption Team (CAT) is the largest cat shelter in the Pacific Northwest. We offer adoption, foster care, and veterinary services to homeless cats and kittens.

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