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Meet the People: John

Eggplant background with a circular center photo of a person with a beard and glasses next to a cat. Text on the right reads, "Meet the People"

Meet John! He’s a cat-lover from way back and has been volunteering with Cat Adoption Team since his retirement. In his time with us, John’s learned the fine art of kennel cleaning, trained on transport van safety, and gained cat communication skills as a member of our behavior modification team. As if that weren’t enough to keep him busy, John is now learning to be an adoption counselor. Buckle up and read on to see why John keeps showing up at the shelter…

CAT: Tell us about your pets, please!
John: Oh man, don’t get me started, I’ll try to be brief. We have two cats, Mistletoe and Dot, and a dog Maggie. They are probably the smartest, funniest, most handsome, most beautiful, most loving, most caring, softest, most attentive, most eager, most playful, most serene, most photogenic, most talented, they’re really good with numbers, they could probably solve the homeless crisis, end world hunger and create everlasting peace throughout the universe.

CAT: Would you rather be the funniest or smartest person in the room?
John: I’m a strong believer that the funniest people are usually pretty dang smart as well. So, if you are the funniest, you’ll probably be up there on the IQ/EQ scale as well.

A bearded person in close up sits next to an orange cat on a couch. They look at one another

CAT: If you could instantly learn any language, what would it be?
John: The language of love…hahahaha, blarf. I would like to speak music and music theory. I have taken guitar and piano lessons for years and I’m still garbage. I think music is truly the universal language that everyone speaks. A person could travel the world and build a relationship with almost anyone through music. I’m pretty sure in the near future even our AI overlords will be able to be wooed by John Coltrane.

CAT: Share a weird or wild fact you know.
John: Great question, I love weird facts! My most recent fact inquiry is how much data can the human brain hold, and it turns out to be significant. The human brain can hold 2.5 petabytes of information, which is 2.5 million gigabytes. That is equivalent to watching TV 24 hours a day for 300 years. So, it seems like people should get out and fill that brain with experiences and memories, there’s plenty of room. Oh and the Pronto Pup was invented in Rockaway Beach in the 1930s, and the Pronto Pup is by far the superior canine-named meat-on-a-stick snack.

CAT: What’s your favorite (work-appropriate) joke?
John: I’m more of an improv, spur of the moment humorist, so I really don’t know any jokes… ESPECIALLY work appropriate. So how about “what is my favorite animal other than cats”? That would be the horse, they’re pretty rad.

Two cats lie next to one another on a long brown tableCAT: If you suddenly had a day off, what would you do with your time?
John: Well, I retired a bit over three years ago, so all my days are essentially days off. However, I do have an extremely busy schedule, so when I have a free day, I come into CAT. And to be clear, I am not pandering because I’m answering CATs questions, it’s true. I love coming into CAT when I have the opportunity. It’s an amazing place with altruistic people focused on an incredible mission, and cats make me feel smushy.

Want to be like John? Or work alongside him? Sign up to volunteer with CAT!

About Cat Adoption Team

Cat Adoption Team (CAT) is the largest cat shelter in the Pacific Northwest. We offer adoption, foster care, and veterinary services to homeless cats and kittens.

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