Hansel loves cats. Like really loves them. That’s one reason he enjoys his role at CAT Thrift Store so much. When he’s at home, Hansel’s two cats, Birdie and Bunk, keep him busy and guessing. Read on to get to know more about Hansel and find out what his ideal—and totally laid-back— vacation looks like.

CAT: What’s your role at CAT and how long have you been with us?
Hansel: I am a thrift store associate and I have been at CAT a little over 2 years.
CAT: Do you have any pets? What are their names?
Hansel: I have 2 cats, both domestic shorthairs, named Bunk and Birdie. Bunk loves pink ball and Birdie is the catnip banana champion.
CAT: Besides a cat, what’s your favorite animal?
Hansel: Though I fear I would have the unfortunate luck to encounter an unfriendly and carnivorous one, I’m going with a panda.
CAT: What advice would you give to somebody interested in getting involved in animal welfare?
Hansel: You can’t hug every cat. But you can most certainly try.

CAT: What do you enjoy most about your role at Cat Adoption Team?
Hansel: Obviously, I adore cats, so being able to express that love with a bunch of like-minded individuals and helping cats get adopted fulfills a dream I’ve had for a long time. I am where I want to be doing the exact thing I want to do. Cats are, by nature, mysterious and somewhat unpredictable. Learning the underlying reasons why they do the things they do cracks open the mystery, but I still have a lot to learn and CAT helps me with that. Cats.
CAT: If you could have any super- power what would it be?
Hansel: ♫ I….just wanna fly. ♫
CAT: What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
Hansel: When moving, hire movers.
CAT: If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
Hansel: How to use your turn signal.

CAT: Describe your dream vacation.
Hansel: I’m on a beach, getting sunburnt, lying upon a huge blanket, and listening to the Wu-Tang Clan.
CAT: If you could have dinner with anybody in history, who would it be and what would you serve?
Hansel: Guy Fieri. And he’s in charge of the food.
CAT: If you suddenly had a day off, what would you do with your time?
Hansel: Speak absolute gibberish to my cats, eat pierogis, watch trash television, and make someone laugh.
We love Hansel’s humor and enthusiasm almost as much as he loves cats! Next time you’re browsing treasures at the thrift store, be sure to introduce yourself to Hansel and chat him up about all things cat.