Meet Dr. Alexa Bell! Dr. Bell is one of two staff veterinarians working in the onsite hospital at Cat Adoption Team (the other veterinarian being our medical director, Dr. Dianne Brown). Dr. Bell joined our team earlier this year, and she can’t decide which she loves most about the job — the people, the cats, or the variety! If you’re curious about what a Tolkien aficionado names their pets, read on for the answer and get to know even more about Dr. Bell.
CAT: What’s your role at CAT and how long have you been involved with us?
Dr. Bell: I’m a staff veterinarian. I’ve been at CAT a little over 6 months now, and I love it here!
CAT: Do you have any pets?
Dr. Bell: I have three black cats. Merry (Meriadoc Brandybuck) is a playful, chaotic, wobbly (cerebellar hypoplasia), silly kitty. Pippin (Peregrin Took) is a proud majestic regal house-panther. Howl (from Howl’s Moving Castle) is a fluffy cuddly teddy bear of a cat.
CAT: Besides a cat, what’s your favorite animal?
Dr. Bell: Octopus!! They’re fascinating.
CAT: What advice would you give to somebody interested in getting involved in animal welfare?
Dr. Bell: Make sure to keep a good work-life balance and have a good support network. It’s important to take care of yourself to avoid burnout, so you can continue helping animals for a long time.
CAT: What do you enjoy most about your role at Cat Adoption Team?
Dr. Bell: 1. Working with cats all day. 2. The amazing team of wonderful, compassionate people I get to work with. 3. The variety in this job keeps me from getting bored.
CAT: If you could have dinner with anybody in history, who would it be and what would you serve?
Dr. Bell: There are so many interesting people in history, I couldn’t pick just one. I would serve food someone else made because I don’t know how to cook very well.
CAT: What movie or show can you rewatch over and over again?
Dr. Bell: Doctor Who.
CAT: When you’re not at CAT, what do you like to do with your time?
Dr. Bell: Read books, kayak, and go camping.

CAT: If you could have any super-power what would it be?
Dr. Bell: Shapeshifting. I could explore the ocean as a whale, fly as a bird, and adapt to any climate by becoming a species from that ecosystem.
CAT: If you could instantly learn any language, what would it be?
Dr. Bell: French.
CAT: Share a weird or wild fact you know.
Dr. Bell: Octopuses have three hearts, blue blood, and can change the texture of their skin as well as the color to camouflage. They can also recognize and remember individual humans.
CAT: If you suddenly had a day off, what would you do with your time?
Dr. Bell: Go to the coast and read a book by the ocean.
The cats and people at CAT are lucky to have Dr. Bell around. She’s a passionate, caring, and skilled veterinarian! If you happen to see her caring for cats at the shelter or out kayaking on the water, give an enthusiastic wave!