It was the height of the Covid-19 pandemic and, like many of us, Morgan was feeling lost and alone. Thinking back on his life, he recalled that some of his most carefree moments included a cat friend. He started to think about adopting.
Morgan says he was destined to become a cat person. One of his oldest memories of his mother — a model cat person — is of her rescuing a trio of tiny kittens from a box on the side of the road. Two decades later, she took in a cat that she’d found in a dumpster at her workplace. Given his history with stray cats, you might think Morgan would have found a cat in the wilds of Portland. But that’s now how the universe destined it.
In the spring of 2021, Morgan was ready to bring a cat into his life. Due to the pandemic, CAT’s shelter was closed to the public and our available cats and kittens were being cared for by a skeleton crew of staff and volunteers. Some animals were housed onsite in the shelter, but most were in foster homes. To keep adoptions going while keeping everyone safe, CAT had moved to a fully virtual adoption process.
Morgan’s interest in Happy began with just a photo and profile on our website. The two didn’t meet face-to-face until after the adoption was completed. When they finally met, sparks flew!
“Since [adopting Happy], my life has changed completely. I have a best friend that I get to spend every day with. He likes me for me (and treats), and he gives my life a deeper purpose. I’m proud to be his owner.” — Morgan S.

It didn’t take long for Happy and Morgan to create a bond. When Morgan leaves the room, Happy wanders alongside him. Happy quickly learned his name and comes when called—most of the time. He is a cat, after all! Happy isn’t a big fan of being held, but he loves to snuggle on laps and can’t resist a crunchy treat.
Even though Happy is Morgan’s biggest fan, he doesn’t mind sharing the love with Hercule, the household pup. Often, Happy and Hercule can be found snuggling on the bed or couch or just staring into the distance, pondering life’s universal mysteries.
“Happy feels sentient. It feels like he understands me, he just can’t talk. He has this constant look in his eyes that makes me feel that we’re deeply bonded,” shares Morgan. “This feels like one of those once-in-a-lifetime connections… I definitely know that Happy understands who I am to my very core. I never expected to experience anything like this.”